Project: Buckley Annex Lowry
Scope of Services: Demolition/Recycling/Asbestos Abatement
The scope of this project has changed and increased and Alpine has maintained as the primary Demolition Contractor
Project Completed: Summer 2014
Project Description
Alpine Demolition was hired conduct the demolition, transportation, recycling, disposal, and asbestos abatement of three free-standing retired government buildings, along with the demolition of approximately 18 acres of paved areas as well as selected trees and other site features at the former Lowry Air Force Base Buckley Annex, located in Cites of Denver and Aurora. The execution of this project required careful coordination between the client, and multiple subcontractors to complete within the required 180 day period of performance. Alpine will remove all demolition materials.
Alpine is committed to the use of recycling, 90% of the buildings will be recycled with the steel and aggregate to be reused.